Monday, March 16, 2015

Emotional Touchstones

Special Olympic medals carefully removed. – Karen, Special Olympian

Emotional Touchstones

Karen was sitting across the table from me.  I watched as she reached down to her side and pulled her backpack up and onto her lap.  She quietly unzipped the bag and made several withdrawals.

The bag was acting as her personal bank.  Her withdrawals were brightly colored medals attached to flowing ribbons.  She had won every one of them during Special Olympic competitions.

“This is perfect” I thought to myself.  “Medals of accomplishment being lovingly caressed in the middle of a Special Olympics Board of Directors Meeting.”

They demonstrated her accomplishments and gave her courage.  It was her turn to give a report to other members of the board.  When she heard her name she straightened up, looked around at the others sitting at the table and gave her report.  She did a great job.  But, she wasn’t finished.

When her verbal report was complete, she picked up one medal.  She wrapped it in circular fashion and then placed it on the table in front of her.  She soon had all of her medals in a neat row in front of her.  Finally, she returned all of them back in her pack and I watched a smile filter across her face.

I had seen such a smile before.  It crossed the face of my mother one day when I was visiting her.  We had been talking about her accomplishments and how she had overcome the challenges she had faced and overcome during the course of her life..

“When I feel sad I review the greeting cards I ‘ve received from my friends and family.  I read them again and I’m soon feeling good and confident once more.  Their messages of love give me the courage I need to face and get over the hurdles I’m facing.”  My mother said to me.  Then I watched that same smile of contentment spread across the width of her face.

Remembering her smile brings a smile to my own face.  I’ve found that I can jump a little higher, run a little faster and face my challenges with more courage when I have this type of smile on my face.  It’s a smile that can only come from using emotional touchstones to generate internal strength.  What touchstones can you withdraw from your personal bank?

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