“When you have a good heart it comes back just when you need it.”
- Judith Rasoletti
- Judith Rasoletti
When You Have a Good Heart
My friend Steve Farley spent the morning working in his yard. He has a very large yard and it’s a lot of work. Just the fence maintenance alone is enough to send shivers down my spine. I say that because I know he has to have a lot of fence to fix because he has goats.
Goats eat just about everything and they also seem to climb up just about anything. I’ve seen them seemingly walk straight up a fence without breaking a sweat! They just get in to a lot of trouble. Steve doesn’t mind though I guess, because he has quite a few goats.
He also keeps a few hives of bees. He was telling me once that “after a while you get used to being stung.” Sorry Steve, I don’t think I would ever get used to it!
I have gotten used to the sweet taste of the exceptional honey he harvests from his beehives. Whenever he’s kind enough to share some with us my whole family gets a greedy look in their eyes the minute it hits the inside of our house. I love the way my girls act calm and proper as he’s giving it to us and then change instantly as soon as they know it’s safe to devour it!
Lots of things change instantly in a person’s life and Steve is no exception. After working in his yard for the morning he still had the energy to work out! He works out like a demon on steroids so he’s in good shape. He’s in real good shape considering the fact that he had his hips replaced a few years ago. I guess he just keeps on moving.
Well, after working out he did just that. He kept moving and went on a walk with a couple of his kids. Then his back started to hurt so he came back in the house to rest.
When the pain in his back became unbearable his wife took him to the hospital where they began to work on controlling the pain. They thought he had pinched a nerve in his back due to his activity so they were monitoring him as if he wasn’t in a life threatening situation.
His wife was there with him when he looked at her and said, “Something’s wrong.”
She stepped out of the room to find someone and when they came back in just moments later he was flat lining!
As it turns out, he did not have a pinched nerve in his back. He had a problem with his heart! And, once the doctors knew that they changed their treatment immediately.
Somehow blood had begun to pool and clot inside one of the chambers of his heart and when a clot began to be pumped out of the chamber it clogged the valve and very little blood, if anything could get through. So, the doctors dissolved the clot and things got better quickly.
To the casual observer it would appear as if Steve has a bad heart. I guess you could say that’s true. But, I know that’s not really the case. I know he has a good heart. How do I know?
I know because anyone who can love a herd of goats has to have a good heart. You know I’m just joking! I know because I watch what he does around my neighborhood. He’s known as the “person with a good heart” because of all of the kindness he shows to everyone.
Kind of interesting to know that about him now isn’t it?
Of course you know I’m talking about a different kind of heart here. But, it’s just as important as the organ we’ve been talking about. People with good hearts make our communities great places to live. You can always tell what kind of contribution someone’s making by what people say when misfortune occurs.
That’s the way it was with Steve. Everywhere I’ve gone, everyone I‘ve spoken with has asked me about his health and if he is going to be alright. They’ve also started to come to help with meals and mundane things such as yard work.
With all this going on around me you can see why I took what Judith Rasoletti said to heart. She knows what she’s talking about. After all, she came here on vacation and loved it so much she packed up her life in Miami and moved here. I love the way she has opened her heart to make such a difference here.
She’s made such a difference here that others have stepped up to help her just when she really needed the help. It’s a beautiful thing when the help comes and it is recognized as a blessing by the receiver!
I know you may be having your struggles right now just like my friends Steve and Judith. But, if there is one thing I know for sure it’s that good things will happen for you right when you need them to. I’ve seen it too many times to deny it. So, start to look for the good to begin to come and you’ll see it; but make sure you’re open to receiving the goodness in ways you haven’t anticipated. That’s what will make it truly miraculous!