“Life is confusing. Just when we think it’s all over, it throws a view like this at us. And, we don’t even know where we are.”
- Evie
- Evie
Finding Humility with Faith
My friend Evie spent some time with me talking about some of the difficulties she’s currently facing. She’s been battling a host of problems covering almost every aspect of her life; financial, she has been divorced three times and her career is in its twilight; physical, she’s in her late seventies, and is losing her strength; social, she has no family left and rarely gets a chance to spend much time with any other people; spiritual, she gave up her religious affiliations years ago because the environment at her church was too “stifling.” In short, she was in the midst of the largest test of her life.
We sat looking out across a large valley during the evening as we talked. As I listened, the sun began to retreat toward the western mountains, the blue sky began to erupt into brilliant pinks and purples, and the night was about to pounce when Evie exclaimed, “Life is confusing. Just when we think it’s all over, it throws a view like this at us. And, we don’t even know where we are.” We had walked far enough off the trail that we really didn’t know exactly where we were!
It was amazing for me to see the change in Evie’s face as she received the view as a gift. Life’s trials seem determined to test each one of us to the point of personal recognition that we don’t have the power to deliver ourselves alone. It‘s during these times that we have no choice but to yield to humility.
Humility is a good thing to learn, but there are different types of humility. I can think of two types that are not productive or helpful to us. One type leads us to depression and despair. This is what Evie was struggling with. Another type leads us to bitterness. Again, this type of humility is not something that propels us into our brightest future.
My friend Mike Krause spoke with me Friday night about another type of humility. “You have to recognize that there are things outside of your control,” said he. “Yes, we all make mistakes, but things generally work out under normal circumstances. You have to be able to forgive yourself and know that the worst case is that you have the power to start over again; it’s darkest before the dawn.” This is the humility of faith.
Humility with faith delivers power to recognize that you can’t control everything and at the same time it sets us free to get up in strength so we can go out into the world to create a our dazzling future. Why do some people develop humility with faith when others are doomed to live in depression or bitterness? Where does one see an example of this type of humility?
I think we see natural wonders of humility with faith all around us daily. It is the morning sun bursting open the new day. It is the sun streaming through the clouds after a tempest. It is the grass reaching through the ground toward the life giving sun after being frozen in the ground. It is the view of beauty my friend Evie saw and accepted during a dark period in her life.
Such patterns of deliverance proliferate all around us. They all point to the Law of Humility with Faith. Universal marvel s are available to those who look for and receive them. I invite you to take the time to map out two or three universal marvels and watch for them each day so you can be filled with joy and hope. These are the patterns I look for and love each day.
First, I watch the sun rise over the mountains to the east and I delight in the pink darts it shoots out as fireworks just before it lightens the western sky. Second, I can’t wait to see the brilliant colors announce the resting period of night as the sun sinks low in the evening. Third, during snowy days I am filled with warmth as I sit and watch the dance of snowflakes as they float toward rest. These seemingly small things are examples meaningful marvels that I count on each and every day. They fill my soul with hope and solace.
I invite you to identify meaningful universal patterns such as these for yourself. If you will just take a few moments and think about times where you have felt such joy and peace your daily marvel will act as an anchor of Humility with Faith. It’s a big, awe-inspiring universe out there! Make sure you allow yourself to be thrilled by it each and every day!
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