Monday, June 10, 2019


A reoccurring sight.


It was early morning, so I was following my routine of exercise and preparation for the coming day.  Harry Pupper and I followed our well-worn path east, up our street and then west down our street, back to our home.  Just like always, Harry began to run through the house as soon as I opened the door.  “I call it his Triumphant Return Tour.”  I, however, was running slightly ahead of the clock, so I sat in my living room to admire the warm morning light across the fields and mountains.

As I gazed to the north, a large Black Angus Heifer walked from east to west across my view until she was rapidly out of my sight.  I looked down for a quick moment.  Then I looked out again to the same spot.  A large Black Angus Heifer walked from east to west across my view until she was rapidly out of my sight, again!  I looked down for another quick moment.  Then, I looked out across the field to the north and Once again, a large Black Heifer walked from east to west across my view until she was rapidly out of my sight!  The repetition was eerie to say the least.

I’ve seen such instances of “digital loops” portrayed in a few science fiction movies in my time, so I began to wonder if this was the proof that you and I are living a simulated life on some computer I’d been hoping never to discover!  Rather than jump to that conclusion immediately I decided that I’d better spend a little more time looking to see what I could discover with my own eyes through additional observation.

I looked at the same spot through my window again just to see what I could see.  And, sure enough a string of Black Angus Heifers marched across my screen from the east to the west.  So, I rightly concluded that the three prior visions were leaders, blazing the trail for the rest of the herd.  This discovery was both comforting as well as a little disappointing.

It was a little disappointing, because I had not discovered some hidden truth, revealing that we are nothing more than a computerized digitalization, a simulation.  Yet, it was comforting, because I had merely observed cows trampling down a cow trail.  Still, could there be some other discovery to be made here?

Do you and I sometimes get caught in our own thought-loop without ever really knowing it?  Have we ever fallen into some living patterns that cause us to reach some unfounded conclusions?

All of these questions and It was still early in the morning!  I was following my routine of exercise and preparation for the coming day.  Harry Pupper and I had followed our well-worn path east, up our street and then west down our street back to our home.  Just like always, Harry completed his Triumphant Return Tour through the house as soon as I opened the door.   I, however, was running slightly ahead of the clock, so I sat in my living room to admire the warm morning light across the fields and mountains while I asked myself some important questions.

I gazed to the north.  A large Black Angus Heifer walked from east to west across my view until she was rapidly out of my sight.  This sight repeated itself two more times, yet there was no digital conspiracy here.  Still, I was left wondering about my own habits, “play-it-agains.”

I have some good habits and some not-so-good, play-it-agains.  I’m going to spend some thoughtful time thinking about both, before I let them run like a herd of Black Angus Heifers trampling through of every aspect of my life, making it merely a simulation, without thought.

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