Monday, July 23, 2018

Howling Success

“Look what I brought to your door!  See the lessons you learned.”

Howling Success

The wind was howling and pounding the windows of houses throughout the town.  Such nights are a common occurrence, yet that doesn’t seem to remove the angst that blows in with the wind.  That was the case on one howling night as I was reviewing the events of my particularly challenging week.

The week seemed to be stack-upon-stack difficulties that had absorbed all of my attention.  And, these same challenges seemed to be stirred up and swirling anew as an accompaniment to the weather.  That is until there was a shift in the wind.

The shift in the wind happened as soon as my consciousness began to follow the wind, like the string of a kite, dancing to the wind’s voice. 

“Look what I brought to your door!  See the lessons you learned.”

I caught hold of the string and the evening’s torture became enlightenment as my mind went from one lesson to the next, building a new sense of gratitude. Suddenly, the week’s long list of challenges were no longer a source of fear; the wind had indeed shifted.  Rather than viewing problems as trouble, I could see them as growth and opportunity.

Opportunity doesn’t always knock gently at the door.  It often comes disguised as a challenging problem. So next time your heart is filled with apprehension and angst ask: “What important, life changing lesson can I learn from this?”

Then as the wind is howling and pounding the windows of your soul, remember that such challenges are a common occurrence in life.  And, let your mind follow that wind, like the string of a kite, dancing to the wind’s voice, as it directs you to see your path toward growth.

“Look what I brought to your door!  See the lessons you’re learning.”

Opportunities, for success, come howling for everyone who can recognize them in all forms.

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