Monday, June 27, 2016

Discovering Your Life's Narrative

Cricket’s search for internal strength

Discovering Your Life’s Narrative

It was a warm, early summer morning.  At first it seemed as if it was like the start of every other summer day.  And, as I began walking up the street the day’s beginning was changing with every step taken.  The change I saw wasn’t in me.  It was in one of my companions!

There have been times in my life when I’ve failed to live up to my own expectations, so when I could see and absorb this same trait in my companion I could relate on a personal basis.  She had been struggling on almost every level of her life.  At least that’s what I thought until this very moment.

I knew her body wasn’t up to its normal capability.  That much was obvious to any casual on-looker.  Her body was holding her back.   That was a fact.  My wife and I had spent weeks nursing her back to health, and during this process I remember one comment Sue made to me in particular.

“I just don’t know if she has the strength to make it!”  She said with anguish in her voice.

There were times I had the same feeling as I saw only a dim light in her eyes.  The usual luster those eyes normally shared had faded to a mere hollowing of defeat.  There was no laughter.  No light.  No joy.  All I could see was pain with a shadow of deep sorrow.

And now?  I was seeing something other than sorrow and pain.  I was seeing determination and inner strength!

While living our lives together I wondered at how a simple event, walking each morning and evening, could be so inspiring and important to her.  Now, because of her physical condition I watched as her pain was increased because she couldn’t participate any longer.  That was then.  This was now!

We had made progress together yesterday and the day before.  We would walk.  She would rest.  We made it to one milestone the day before yesterday.  We made it to another one yesterday.  And today?

It was the same process.  And, something new was happening.  She had her head down; as if into the wind.  The pain and sorrow of before had been replaced by magnificent determination.  We walked.  She stopped and rested.  She got up.  She walked on.  She rested.  She walked on.  The she reached a personal climax!

There is a particular spot at the top of our street where we make a turn toward home.  She was there!  She looked up at me.  She smiled.  Her eyes were full of joy and triumph.  She was proud of herself!  She had written a new narrative for her life!

She was physically wounded and suffering.  Life was seeping out of her.  Yet she never gave up.  She kept longing and working for more.  When others would have given up she pressed on and kept her nose into the wind until she could claim her own victory.  I saw the claim staked in her eyes and transferred to the world through her smile. 

Cricket has reminded me that a person must search for answers internally.  Real strength comes from within.  Look within yourself and live the extraordinary narrative you discover there.

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