Monday, February 13, 2012

Be a Fortune Teller

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Stephanie Spong

Be a Fortune Teller
There are many independent actors that come together to create each person’s future.  I don’t think it’s even possible to know or anticipate what all of them are.  But that’s okay, because while you can’t control every variable, you can control the most important element.  What is the most important element?

Here is the best way I’ve found to reveal the answer to this question.  Make your way from your computer to the closest mirror and stand squarely in front of it and take a look.  If you do it correctly you’ll see that the answer is looking right back at you.

My friend Stephanie Spong, a venture capital investor, said it best to me this week when she said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”  I was meeting with Stephanie and hundreds of other investors and entrepreneurs this week in Park City where I was able to reaffirm their time proven, results driven process for shaping the future.

First, the entrepreneur takes the time to envision the future of her business.  This vision is usually created from a combination of study and experience.  A vision is a general view of what her future business will look like when it is operating at its maximum potential.  But, if that’s as far as she goes in the process then the vision will be nothing more than a dream.  To make it more than a dream a person must go through the process of planning what needs to be done to make it a reality.

Second, she studies other successful businesses to discover models of success that can be applied to complete her vision.  This process is critical since it will reveal many things she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know.  This may also be called the discovery of unknown, unknowns and allows for the creation of a plan to overcome all revealed barriers to her success.  And, perhaps more importantly it lets her determine whether the proposed plan will yield the remarkable return she’s seeking.  Why begin to create a future that doesn’t give you what you really want?  Isn’t it important to know before you invest too much?

Third, ask other great people to invest with you.  Surround yourself with others who want to work with you to claim your shared vision.  When doing so, it’s important to carefully select only people who are the best at what they do and are committed to creating the success envisioned.  Together, you will make a team that will drive success more rapidly than any one of you can do individually; you’ll be able to take advantage of everyone’s experience, expertise, dedication and investment.

Fourth, allow for others to come and offer additional investment if you’re sure they can add value to you and your team.  If they can’t demonstrate they can add needed value in the form of resources, experience and relationships then they’ll be a detraction or not help you get to the future you really want; don’t make them part of your life.  If you’re convinced they can help, bring them on board; perhaps they can help completed your vision in a larger way than you ever dreamed possible.

Do I really believe you can predict your own future through this creative process?  Yes!  I’ve seen it time and again.  I know you can do it as well.  So, next time someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up, tell them you want to be a fortune teller!

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