Sunday, January 29, 2012

Life's Invisible Hand

Personal miracles over the last week.

When we talk of “The Invisible Hand” it generally references to the power of the market place in business.  It is one of the principal tenets revealed in Adam Smith’s, “The Wealth of Nations.”  But this week I was able to experience a different type of “Invisible Hand” first hand.  It isn’t the first time I’ve had this type of experience, but in this case it has served as an important reminder about the world in which we live.

Have you ever had the impression to make one phone call?  At the time you made the call you had no idea why you needed to make the call?  But, that one call caused a positive cascade of events to occur that you could have never foreseen?  That’s what I mean by “The Invisible Hand.”

I wish I could explain more about this to you, but I don’t understand how it works or when it works.  All I know is that I’ve seen it work time and time again, so I know it’s real.  Perhaps that’s one of the keys to harnessing its power?

 I’ve watched this type of thing happen over and over again so you’d think I would have an unshakable belief in The Invisible Hand.  But perfect belief is one of those things I haven’t fully mastered yet.  Maybe that’s why I don’t see its work every single day?  I have noticed one thing though; when I get into a situation where my belief is waning, the best way for me to move back into successful belief is to focus on gratitude while looking for the coming miracle.

I’ve found that this combination, though seemingly unlikely companions, is the only sure way to recover my belief and movement toward success again.  Combining these two tools has proven to itself to me time and time again.  It will work for you as well.

Give it a try.  As you go about your day today focus on what you’re grateful for and watch for a coming miracle in your business, spiritual or personal life.  Set your sites on small goals that will move you to achieve the progress you’re working toward, be grateful for the success you’ve had and then actively take steps to meet your objectives. Then watch the Invisible Hand prepare for and facilitate your way.  

When it happens, notice it!  Be grateful for it! And keep the process rolling forward.  There’s nothing like living an unfolding miracle!  Let your miracles reveal themselves today.

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