Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting Around Obstacles

She can see her way around obstacles.
- Bill Lindsay

During a meeting this week I listened to a Client describe some challenges related the sale of some of his properties as we were carefully building a strategy that would allow us to succeed under any circumstances.   Our discussions the day before allowed me to know that we could benefit from the expertise of another associate who had some useful specialized knowledge, so I made arrangements for her to join us through a teleconference.
During the call, Bill and I were able to ask her questions and then thoughtfully listen to her replies.  We were both impressed with her knowledge and experience.  She was a great asset in finalizing our strategies.  I knew she would be, but I didn’t anticipate the lesson I was about to learn just after the phone call ended.
“She can see her way around obstacles.” Bill said as I clicked off the speaker phone.
“Yes she can.  She has long and valuable experience coupled with in-depth product knowledge.  Remember when I told you she makes money for me?” I answered.
Then I thought more about his comment and what it could mean for you and me as we face life’s obstacles.   Bill knows that an ability to see an obstacle and ways around it at the same time increases personal and professional value.  Are you using this ability to increase the value in your own life?
You and I face obstacles in every aspect of life and we will continue to do so.  If we will change our focus from the obstacle itself to seeing and creating ways around the impediments we face we’ll be able to live a more satisfying life.  Those who can see around life’s obstacles and then take action to move past them will succeed time and time again. Their world will expand; they won’t be trapped in the same place.  This is a skill that becomes stronger when it is coupled with active experience.
 So, next time you see nothing but obstacles in front of you, take a moment to adjust your vision.  See your way to new opportunity and growth by charting a path around your current hurdle.   It’s just like leaving a dark room and going out into the bright sunshine; you need to take a minute to allow your eyes to adjust to the bright new world in front of you;  looking for alternatives to your obstacles, selecting your succeeding path and taking action will open new vistas and bright hope for  your life.

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