“I just dealed with it.”
- Lexi Ellis
Adults sometimes feel as if they should have answers to all of life’s challenges and always make decisions that will make live go more smoothly. As I’ve journeyed toward the end of mortality, one of the greatest shocks of my life has been that adults didn’t have all the answers. When I was a child I thought they did. Now that I’m aged I’ve found the reverse is also true. I’m constantly in shock over the fact that many times it’s a child that shows me an answer. Such is the case this week.
Little Lexi Ellis has a best friend and the two girls ride the school bus together every day. This week was a little different because Lexi decided she wanted to expand her riding experience by sitting with another friend; when she did so her best friend became angry and lashed out at Lexi.
Anyone who has had an argument with their best friend knows how emotionally difficult it can be. And when Lexi came home her mother could immediately see that something was wrong. When she asked her what was wrong the small girl bravely recounted the happenings of the day.
Her mother asked, “How did you handle it?”
“I just dealed with it!” she said.
As I heard these words I found myself recounting the some of the challenging events I faced during the past week and realized that in many instances I could have moved forward more successfully had I just “dealed” with it. So I’ve vowed to follow Lexi’s example and do better in the coming days.
When next faced with a difficult situation I have a pleasant mental image to flash in my mind now. I’ll picture a small girl, with a mature outlook on life, standing in front of me saying, I “dealed” with it and so can you.
Things won’t always be the way you and I hoped they would be. That’s just the way life is. But, that’s not insurmountable. We’ll just deal with it and continue to build our bright future together.
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