"I kept going because I believed in myself."
- John Knab
Believe in Yourself
My friend John Knab is a successful entrepreneur and kindly shares his knowledge and experience to help others. He was doing so not long ago and I had the chance to sit in the group and learn from him again. I've listened to John many times, but this time I sat more enthralled than at any other time I could remember.
"I received sixty-one rejections in a row." He said. "I had a wife and kids at home and my wife was starting to ask me if I shouldn't think of doing something else. But, I believed in myself so I kept going. I was on my way to Chicago to attend my sixty-second fund raising meeting and I knew that it was most likely my last chance. I was out of money and couldn't continue if I failed."
It I was the one on the plane going to that sixty-second meeting I would have been thinking, "What will I do if they reject me again?" But that's not what John was thinking. He was thinking, "I know I can do this. Investing in my company is a great opportunity!"
Perhaps this type of thinking and preparation is one important thing that differentiates John from most people. He's taken the time and effort to create a core competency that's given him a strong basis on which to create strong companies and an exceptional life. It's this preparation that has given him confidence and skill.
Some people would look at John and say, "He's just lucky!" I know different, he has skills!
John operates in a different way than most people. That's what makes him stand apart. The wonderful thing is that you and I can watch John, listen to him and then follow him to create our own success. So here are five other things I learned from John during our last meeting.
First, prepare a business or a lifestyle you truly believe in. If you don't have such a foundation, then you're living a fraudulent life and everyone will be able to sense it. I'm sure you can think of many examples of such people and you know that you've not wanted to be associated with them.
Second, make sure to make a commitment to yourself. My experience is that there are lots of people who are willing to tell you you're wrong, you're doing the wrong thing. But, you've done your homework and you know down to your very center that you're right. So stay committed to yourself and your dream.
Third, always tell the truth to yourself and to others. John said that during his sixty-second meeting the investors asked him how many other fund raising meetings he'd had. He told them the truth. They knew the truth and John became more credible to them when he was big enough to admit the truth.
Fourth, let your conviction speak for itself. When the Chicago investors asked John why he'd kept going he said, "Because I believe in myself and my company!" There was no doubt of his belief in their mind because they knew what he'd gone through. He had proved it to himself and to them by his actions.
Finally, enjoy the success you'll gain from believing in yourself! In this case, John was able to close a deal and fly home on a private jet. Now, I'm not saying that you're going to become a "jet setter" by simply believing in yourself, but I do know that you'll be more successful than you otherwise would be.
So, begin taking these steps now. They're steps everyone can take if they choose to. I hope you'll choose to! Prepare yourself, make a commitment to your core beliefs and desires, always tell the truth to yourself and to others, let your conviction speak to you. I'm going to begin making these steps my steps today. Will you join me?
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