"I wanted to pass on good advice to my friend."
- Eddie Garcia
Garcia's Way
I've worked with Eddie for a long time and have always admired his caring, good natured personality. So, when we were talking over lunch the other day I was not too surprised to hear him express his concern over one of his clients.
I listened to him describe the challenge his client was facing and watched his personal agony as he talked about how he was working to help. I could see the pain in his eyes and feel the swell of his heart as he told me an awe-inspiring story.
His client had followed time-honored principles in preparing for a successful transaction. But today's society has created rules that mock common sense and reason. Eddie could see the insanity and was using all of his experience and knowledge to try to bridge the gap.
"It's exhausting." He expressed in tired tones.
Luckily Eddie is a man who has spent the last four years retrenching himself in his values. "Had I not made changes in my financial and personal life when the economy took a downturn I would have been in real trouble. Now I want to do everything I can to help as many people as I can."
He went on to tell me about working with a young colleague who had created an early success for himself. His confidence and wallet were brimming. But Eddie could see some potential problems that were invisible to a successful man of youth, so he took a moment to provide counsel. To his credit, the younger man accepted the wisdom offered.
It was not more than two months before he came back to Eddie and thanked him for his ability to read the waters of a moving sea and acting as a fog horn of safety. Common sense and reason can be passed on to others if offered in the way of graciousness.
Affability combined with common sense, reason, experience and knowledge is what I have come to call, "Garcia's Way." It is a path to successful personal and interpersonal transformation and can be used by anyone who simply chooses to follow it. If you've ever wanted to change the world, you can! Make Garcia's Way your way and watch your world change right before your eyes.
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