"In the morning when the sun rises, sometimes it's hard to believe there was a night."
- Brian Cameron
It's Hard to Believe There was a Night
At some point in everyone's life there will be challenges. In fact, I don't know anyone who has ever lived a life free of challenges. And, while it may appear to the observer that a particular person's life is challenge free, it is impossible to tell.
It's impossible to tell because everyone faces their own unique set of challenges. Every person has distinctive lessons to learn based upon their particular educational plan. So, while I may look at another's lessons as "easy," it's only because they weren't designed to be learned by me. You can't judge a person's lessons. You can only judge every person's ability to master their own individualized curriculum.
One thing I have observed in people who live successful lives is that they've mastered an ability to discover and live by principle. And, the only way to be truly successful in passing life's tests is to discover the principles of a good life and then adhere to them completely.
It's taken me a long time to see, feel and understand this concept and I don't think I would have been able to learn it well, even now, had I not been able to watch a good friend go through a life wrenching experience that has challenged him in virtually every aspect of life; financial, spiritual, physical and emotional.
I'll never forget standing outside a bank with him talking about a meeting we had just completed when I asked, "Are you able to sleep at night?"
As he answered, he seemed to stand a little taller and steel his eyes as he replied, "I'm way past that. I've done everything I can possibly do and I know that. Now I can sleep soundly at night. I've lost everything I own, but not my integrity!"
As his trusted advisor, I know he's telling the truth and I've watched him begin to rebuild his life. It hasn't been easy for him and I feel honored to stand at his side as he moves forward. I know he'll succeed because he knows what he believes and doesn't waiver in the slightest. I've seen it happen before.
One evening I was with my friend Brian Cameron. We were with another friend who had lost her loved ones and had been brutally betrayed. As we stood on the top level balcony of her townhouse in the city, the sun was just breaking dawn, and I watched as he wrapped his arms around her and said, "In the morning when the sun rises, sometimes it hard to believe there was a night."
I know this was true for her and has been for countless others. So, I invite you to place Brian's words into your heart and memory so that when it feels as if your night of despair is never ending you'll have faith that your dawn will break if you'll just resolutely hold on to your principles and live by them.
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