"The question people should be asking themselves before they do anything is; what's the right thing to do?"
– Paul H. Cook
A Life Guiding Question
My friend Paul Cook has done well in his life. You may ask what I mean by doing well because there are lots of definitions of "well." My answer to that question is that he's done well in many areas of his life, if not all. He's raised a good family, done well in business and is now dedicated to helping others to have a great life. I want to help others have a great life so I spent a few minutes speaking with him so I could discover the root of some of his success.
More than anything I wanted to learn from him; try to see the world through his eyes. I know of no better way to do that than to talk with a person face to face, eye to eye. You know the old saying, "The eyes are the window to the soul."
When I look into Paul's eyes I see gentle goodness. I also see determination and a desire to make a difference in many people's lives. At the same time, I see a multifaceted dimension to his approach that I have rarely seen before.
Paul has the unique gift of being able to see the whole picture in a relationship kind of way. For example, he understands how important it is to build a community with resources so as to allow the members of the "village" to build a self perpetuating success. At the same time, he sees the importance of helping others with "plenty" to see the importance of using their gifts well outside of themselves.
The reason he has this perspective is that he has experience on both sides of the formula. So much so that even though he's been challenged to the point where most people would give up, he has redoubled his efforts to move forward. And, I know what an effort it is.
Paul's vision has been to build villages in areas that really need the help. Places where all hope and money has been stolen from the people. Places such as Haiti. When he was traveling there on business he knew he had to act, so he did!
First he created a nonprofit foundation using his own money. Second, he enhanced its resources with donations from others. Third he completed a plan for a village center to meet many needs.
The village center has a core as well as separate wings depending on what the community needs. For example, a medical wing, a school wing, and a health care wing. Once he determines exactly what the community's needs are, he uses money resources and human resources to make it a reality. This is where his genius is and I'll give you an example.
One of his friends of wealth had a couple of teenaged kids that were moving toward a path that would certainly bring them a life of misery. Paul could see that so he invited them to come to Haiti to help build a "Village of Hope" there. Happily they agreed and for the first time they were able to see what life was really about. And, it didn't take long; just a few short weeks.
When they returned to their home their father was amazed at the transformation in their lives. It was a miracle he thought would never happen. But, unfortunately it was a miracle for the children alone.
A few months later Paul approached this man of influence and great wealth for a donation of $5,000 to help create another village and the man told him that he didn't have the money to help. "He had reinvested all his money back into his business."
Being a business man himself, Paul said he understood. That is until he was driving with another friend who told him, without knowing of the donation request, that the other man was having a hard time deciding between two different new cars costing about $120,000 each!
Paul said to me, "That's when I became much more careful who I ask to donate. I don't want to put people in a situation where they'll have to answer to their Maker for such actions"
When he said that, I began to think of my own actions in greater detail!
In doing so and in continuing to talk with Paul, we came up with a simple answer to ask ourselves over and over again. We wanted to help ourselves to keep on the path of goodness. So, here it is:
"What's the right thing to do?"
That's it!
Notice it's not, what will make me the most money?
Notice it's not, what will be the easiest thing for me to do?
Notice it's not, what will give me the most short term pleasure?
Notice it's not, what will give me the most power?
Speaking of power, my friend Paul can't work as hard as he used to be able to. You see, while he's been working with people in need overseas he contracted a virus. It's slowed him down. But, it hasn't defeated him! He just presses on asking himself one simple question every day. What's the right thing to do?
Please join us in asking this important question! And, if you'd like to donate to Paul's foundation please send me an email and I'll put you in contact with Paul directly.
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