Landon Johnson dashing through sprinklers.
Dancing in the Rain Bird
I didn’t need to look at any clock to know almost exactly
what the time was. You might ask, “Why
is that?”
I turned the corner into my driveway. The first sprinkler water zone was
active. Water was flying everywhere to
my left as I wound my way toward the garage.
I knew this path well, so I was able to use my peripheral vision to make
sure that the sprinkler heads were all spinning, functioning properly. Sometimes I worry that doing so has become
some sort of twisted obsession! But, it
is a necessary concern this time of year.
Satisfied, I guided the car into its space so we could get out.
As soon as Kilee and Garrison Johnson freed themselves from
the seat belts holding them securely in place, they began to release their son
Landon. He, being three-years-old,
jumped down from his car seat and immediately spun around with glee in his
eyes. He didn’t even seemingly touch the ground as he sprinted to the grass and
“Water!” He called out as he ran forward.
Sprinklers are somewhat mundane to those of us who live in
the High Desert, Wasatch Mountain Range.
Perhaps many of us think of them as even boring, or a necessary evil
because of their cost in both time, effort and money. But to Landon, a low-lander from Arkansas,
where the amount of rain delivered from the sky in one week can often be more
than we receive in a whole year, they were magical!
I watched him become completely soaked and perfectly
thrilled within sixty seconds! And, could
only conclude that, to him, they were one of life’s greatest gifts. A pleasure to be relished and thoroughly
enjoyed. And, enjoy he did!
Right after he ran in, he sat down to immediately remove his
shoes and socks. There was more to feel and
experience here than just water. He
wanted to touch the damp, green Kentucky Blue Grass with his feet. He wanted to have a bath with the also
appreciative birds which were only slightly inconvenienced by his massive, boisterous
intrusion into, up to now, their exclusive domain.
“Birds!” He cried out with fulfilled exuberance.
He giggled, danced in the Rain Birds, and seemingly brought
the equivalent of noon-day-sun back to the 8:00 p.m. hour. And, he conveyed something else to me as
I didn’t need to look at any clock to know exactly what the
time was. It is a time I will never
forget! You might ask, “Why is that?”
It is the time when Landon taught me that there can be
wonder, beauty and magnificence in our lives, if we will simply stop making the
magical, mundane!