The glistening of the sun on snow
A Field of Diamonds
“When the rain falls, it falls on the whole field.” Yah Yah Al-Digs said as he smiled at me.
We were talking about company profits then. I took it at its face value and thought I had
understood what he was saying in totality.
Yet, as the years have progressed it has become clear to me that I didn’t
know then, and likely will never know, the whole meaning of that treasure-trove
proverb. In the many years since I left
Yah Yah, and our office in the Middle East, it has proven to be just like life
itself. Its meaning deepens over
minutes, hours, years and decades.
On one glorious morning three days ago, I captured one of
those minutes by taking a glimpse outside through a window of my home, only to
find that one peek was not enough. The
sky over head was a deep blue. The sun
had recently crawled above the Oquirrh Mountains and its rays revealed an
entire field of diamonds! Of course, my
property had not under gone some miraculous transformation into real, stone
diamonds. But, something miraculous was certainly
The sun was glistening on the snow. It truly looked like an unfathomable treasure,
and it was. I will not soon forget this magnificent
sight or the depth of my appreciation for its splendor. I desired to hold on to its sight forever.
So, I got my camera and attempted to memorialize it. Alas!
I am not skilled in photography and my efforts held no reward. Well, there was one other reward. Yah Yah’s proverb came flooding back into my
memory. I knew immediately that this
exceptional visual and emotional experience had opened the door for me to
appreciate another aspect, a deeper meaning, of “When the rain falls, it falls
on the whole field.” I continued to
absorb the glistening in front of me, knowing that it was there for anyone,
everyone who wanted to relish it.
Our world offers its beauty freely to all who will take
notice, seek for and accept it. It is
offered to everyone as perhaps, life’s greatest treasure. It can change us, while stirring the depths
of our souls if we will be mindful and allow it to freely unfold throughout our
“When the rain falls, it falls on the whole field.” Yah Yah Al-Digs said as he smiled at me.
We were talking about company profits then. I took it at its face value and thought I had
understood what he was saying in totality.
Yet, years later, the glistening snow diamonds viewed through the windows
of my home changed me, and it became clear that I didn’t know then, and likely
will never know, the whole meaning of that treasure-trove proverb. It has proven to be just like life itself. Its meaning and beauty deepens over minutes,
hours, years and decades.