"Our vision and focus act like a magnet that attracts and connects the pieces together."
- John Assaraf
Creating a Magnetic Vision
Like hundreds of thousands of others, I had come without knowing exactly what to expect. We were all being drawn together as if a huge magnet had sent out waves to pull us in. This was the last leg of a long journey that had begun the day before. We were standing on an elevated platform of the Metro Station at New York and Florida. Somehow our three families, one from California, one from Indiana, and one from Utah, knew why we were there, even though we were complete strangers. We exchanged greetings on the platform through introduction and boarded the train together.
By the time we got to the stop at Foggy Bottom on 23rd Street the train was full to capacity. When we got off the train it was clear that the station was full, almost beyond its capacity. The crowd was polite and gentle as we made our way up stairs and escalators toward the exit. Together, we were like water gurgling from an underground spring toward the surface running down sloping 23rd Street toward the Potomac River.
As we flowed down the street I kept looking around at all the people. We were all different. There were old people, young people and people in between. Some were struggling with the walk while others glided along. The look of some surprised me and others looked exactly as I expected.
What I didn't expect was the almost uncontrollable surge of emotion as we walked onto the Mall near the Lincoln Memorial. Just as we stepped near the Memorial there was an erupting cheer that enveloped the entire National Mall and everything surrounding it. I felt a tears well up in my eyes and then begin to slide down my face. They simply added to the sea of people around me.
We walked toward the Washington Monument looking for a spot to sit and participate in the program. We participated in repeating the "Pledge of Allegiance" and then sang the National Anthem. I had to choke out the words because I was so touched. I have never before participated with so many people in these rituals. It was an amazing experience.
It was the perfect example of the power of vision. Why else would so many different people come together from all across the United States? We all held one thing in common. It is faith and hope in the principles expounded in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of The United States. This one common vision of the "American Experiment" had brought us all together and was connecting us in a way none of us had ever experienced before.
That's what clear vision does. It takes one's thoughts from thinking into reality by directing focus and emotion so they will act as a vacuum between what we want and where we currently are. "We know from natural law that nature fills a void or gap in the fastest and most efficient was possible.
So, when we're fully engaged and emotionalized in our clear vision, we emit a frequency from our brain and heart that penetrate and permeates all space and time." John Assaraf once said to me.
There isn't a more graphic proof of this principle than the more than 500,000 people I spent the weekend with. And if you want to see it work in your own life you simply need to create a carefully crafted vision of your life inside your brain and make it more real than the current results in your outside world; then and only then will the universe begin to present its riches to you in the way of your dream.
Just remember that your clear vision is the seed of your new life. Write it down and give it emotion. That way it will be planted within your heart so you can harvest it as soon as possible!